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cWind GeneratcPrices Are Not All They Seem

cWind GeneratcPrices Are Not All They Seem


Wind Generator Prices Are Not All They Seem




Wind turbine costs can seem so simple. You just look at the price you pay, order it, and wait for it to arrive and then plug in to your house. What could be simpler?


Well, that is not the case unfortunately. There are many additional components that you at least need to consider to make the wind turbine work.



Here are the major components in addition to the device itself that you need to look into in your analysis:



* Tower - the tower may or may not be necessary for you and your situation. If you need one, it will likely come close to doubling the cost of your installation. But you may not need one at all. If you are putting the device up on your roof, you can get by without having one. However, if you are trying to get the strongest and most consistent wind, you will install a horizontal wind turbine at least 100 feet up in the atmosphere and that will, of course, require a tower. It may however, be more cost effective for you to live with less wind energy and spare yourself the expense and hassle of the tower.



* Replacement costs - you cannot afford to leave replacement parts costs out of your equation of total cost. Among the items that wear out the quickest are the blades. It is probably a good idea to have an extra set on hand. There are many varieties to choose from, depending on your particular turbine and the types of materials you choose. The more expensive variety of blades are made out of composite materials and are very light which is conducive to a low cut-in speed.



* Routine maintenance - this won t be a large cost, but one that needs to be accounted for nonetheless. You can safely assume annual cost for routine maintenance will be under $200 for a small wind turbine for your home. Routine maintenance tasks include making sure that the oil is okay and does not contain particles of metal that will decrease the life of the motor, as well as making sure the connections are all types of the blades don t come off in high winds.



* grid tie inverter - you will need this if you want to export power to the grid. Doing so is a great way to monetize your investment quickly. The grid tie inverter is a small device that will convert the DC, or direct current, that you make with your wind turbine into AC, or alternating current, that is used and distributed by the power company. Obviously, you can t make this connection yourself. You will need someone the utility approves to tie in your system with that of the local electricity grid.



In conclusion, it is wise to consider all your wind turbine costs before you leap forward to purchase.



cHow to Decide Which OutcPlayground Equipment is Best focFun cSafety

cHow to Decide Which OutcPlayground Equipment is Best focFun cSafety


How to Decide Which Outdoor Playground Equipment is Best for Fun and Safety



Installing outdoor playground equipment in your own backyard is a great way to get the kids to play outside in a safe and secure environment. There are also many public playgrounds available, but sometimes they are overrun with rambunctious children or even kids obviously too old for playground equipment. Purchasing child playground equipment is definitely a worthwhile investment.



So what will one of these outdoor playground equipment sets cost you? Well, as you can image, the sky s the limit! There are actually a variety of styles and price ranges available. But do be prepared to consider the child playground equipment an investment. Also, if you are looking for something in particular, or maybe Junior has his or her heart set on a specific piece, almost all manufacturers are happy to assist with custom design.



Some residential Outdoor Playground Equipment can be purchased for a few hundred dollars. For less than $100, you can purchase the shell, and then decide what to add. Meaning, after the initial $100 investment you will still need to purchase swings, slides and whatever else you might want. But, this starter playground may be the best choice for you and your family.



Maybe you re not sold on the fact that Junior promises to play on it every day. Or you just are not ready to invest thousands. Either way, you can always add-on to your current model once you purchase the initial frame.



Eager to get the whole kit and caboodle? Well, you are in for a treat! The variety of style, color and options are endless when it comes to choosing the perfect outdoor playground equipment for your family. Be prepared to spend anywhere from $650 for a single tire swing to $6000 for the system with a large array of swings, slides, Tires and Monkey Bars. And to add on a Log Cabin for the kiddos, go a head and add on $3200 to the bill. http://www.libenplay.com/productshow/outdoor_playground_equipment.html

cOutdocr Play Ecpment

cOutdocr Play Ecpment


Outdoor Play Equipment



Outdoor play equipment makes a brilliant addition to your backyard to encourage your kids to get out in the fresh air and have some fun. These days most kids want to spend hours in front of the television or their games consoles and it s difficult to encourage them to make exercise part of their daily routine. But with a wooden outdoor playset you should find it slightly easier to encourage them to be active.



Here are just a few of the benefits you will see if you invest in outdoor play equipment for your family.



Calmer and more rational behaviour



Young children are full of energy and if they spend their days sitting on the couch then that energy can turn itself into bad behaviour and temper tantrums. With a wooden playset in the backyard they can climb, swing and run to their heart s content burning off that excess energy as they play. At the end of a play session you ll find yourself with much calmer and more rational children.



Improvement in motor skills



You might be surprised to learn that playing on one of these wooden outdoor play equipment can help to improve motor skills, but your children will develop their hand eye co-ordination, balance, strength and reflexes just by playing on their outdoor play equipment for an hour each day.



Develop confidence and imagination



You might look at a piece of outdoor play equipment and see an assembly of wood and metal, but your children will see a fairytale castle, or a fort. Playing outside on one of these playsets can help them to develop their imagination and their confidence.



Today s wooden outdoor playsets have chutes and slides, ladders and monkey bars, swings and cubby holes. There are plenty of interactive features to keep them occupied for hours. http://www.libenplay.com/productshow/outdoor_playground_equipment.html

cWhat is Important Item in the Pressure Safety Valve Inspection

cWhat is Important Item in the Pressure Safety Valve Inspection


What is Important Item in the Pressure Safety Valve Inspection



These are only important points or summery of points for pressure safety valve in-service inspection and should not be assumed as pressure safety valve inspection procedure.



pressure safety valve inspection procedure is comprehensive document which need to cover inspection methods to be employed, equipment and material to be used, qualification of inspection personnel involved and the sequence of the inspection activities as minimum.



You may use following content as summery of points for in-service inspection of pressure safety valve only.



1. Determination pressure safety valve inspection interval based API STD 510 and API RP 576 requirements



2. Inspection of inlet and outlet piping after pressure safety valve removal for any fouling




3. Inspection of pressure safety valve charge and discharge nozzles for possible deposit and corrosion products



4. Taking care for proper handling of pressure safety valves from unit to the valve shop. The detail of handling and transportation instruction is provided in API RP 576.



5. Controlling of seals for being intact when the valves arrived to the valve shop



6. Making as received POP test and recording the relieving pressure



7. If the POP pressure is higher than the set pressure the test need to be repeated and if in the second effort it was near to the set pressure it is because of deposit.



8. If in the second effort it was not opened near to the set pressure either it was set wrongly or it was changed during the operation



9. If the pressure safety valve was not opened in 150% of set pressure it should be considered as stuck shut.



10. If the pressure safety valve was opened below the set pressure the spring is weakened http://www.luofuvalve.com/



Pressure safety valve

Feline Hyperthyroidism Medication - 3 Common Medicines

Feline Hyperthyroidism Medication - 3 Common Medicines


Feline Hyperthyroidism Medication - 3 Common Medicines




There are different ways to cure your hyperthyroidism sick cat. You can take her to a surgery; take her to treatment called radioactive iodine or rely on feline hyperthyroidism medication only. This may not be the best solution since the cat must take the medication always and as soon as, but it s affordable and easier. On the other side, some cats may not adopt this treatment very well, and vomiting or anorexia can be some side effects. The Methimazole is used to treat a disease all around the world, but it s not the only option offered on the market.


1. Methimazole -- known as Tapazole and Felimazole, as well, is feline hyperthyroidism medication that blocks the production of thyroid hormone. In case of any kidney disease during this treatment, as soon as cat stops taking it, its effect is starting to fade. If the side effects, such as lethargy, loss of appetite or vomiting don t appear in the first three months, you will not see them appear, at all. There are even some more serious problems that might happen, such as liver failure and even kidney problems in case there was an insufficiency before the treatment. This medication can be prescribed for a preparation for surgery, as well, in order to see how the cat reacts on changes.



2. carbimazole -- it is used mostly if your cat can t handle to methimazole. This medication is not available in the USA due to marketing agreement with Lilly. This medicine is actually converted into methimazole in the body, and some researches have shown that it may have less side effects than the methimazole. Even when something happens, the changes are very mild, so there is no need to stop taking the carbimazole.



3. Alternatives -- ipodate is one more feline hyperthyroidism medication, but it s rarely available anywhere. It converts T4 to T3, and most cats didn t show any side effects during treatment. There is one more alternative -- the combination of potassium iodate, which takes care of thyroid function and the propranolol or atenolol, which are beta-blockers, and they prevent and control heart disease in this case. Unfortunately, it is not recommended for long-term use since it has a lot of side effects, such as depression, stomachaches and it doesn t reach the highest results.



xccAttention items in slip ring processing

xccAttention items in slip ring processing


Attention items in slip ring processing



In the last article, weve mainly talked about the difference between individual production and mass production and the influence on cost. Now, well discuss the attentions items in slip ring processing. As one kind of the precision parts, slip ring has strict requirements for the processing, especially the micro-slip-rings which have high numbers of rings and more channels. They are small and the space between channels is not large, whats more, the internal structure is very precise, so a little mistake may cause the whole parts scrapped, and the staff training should always throughout the entire production. The most important things for an enterprise is the employee, not the assets, the product quality need the employee to ensure. The company should build a mutual trust relationship with the employee, and then the company can achieve its goals while achieving the best interests of employees.



The equipment is necessary when processing the precision parts. Its hard to ensure the Slip ring quality if theres no tool. On the hardware facilities, microscope and enough bright light sources are indispensable. Since microscope is the first checking process, everyone should have one to finish all the installation and inspection especially for the micro-slip-ring. Although people can distinguish some internal structures, they will still make mistake because of dizziness after works a long time and impact the quality of through hole slip ring, and this is not allowed in Senring. As to the light source, its not a simple bulb but better to use the environmental LED which has no heating. It has no harm on eyes or makes eyes so easily tired, also avoids repair at the same time. http://www.slipring.com.cn/

cAttention items in slip ring processing

cAttention items in slip ring processing


Attention items in slip ring processing



In the last article, weve mainly talked about the difference between individual production and mass production and the influence on cost. Now, well discuss the attentions items in slip ring processing. As one kind of the precision parts, slip ring has strict requirements for the processing, especially the micro-slip-rings which have high numbers of rings and more channels. They are small and the space between channels is not large, whats more, the internal structure is very precise, so a little mistake may cause the whole parts scrapped, and the staff training should always throughout the entire production. The most important things for an enterprise is the employee, not the assets, the product quality need the employee to ensure. The company should build a mutual trust relationship with the employee, and then the company can achieve its goals while achieving the best interests of employees.



The equipment is necessary when processing the precision parts. Its hard to ensure the Slip ring quality if theres no tool. On the hardware facilities, microscope and enough bright light sources are indispensable. Since microscope is the first checking process, everyone should have one to finish all the installation and inspection especially for the micro-slip-ring. Although people can distinguish some internal structures, they will still make mistake because of dizziness after works a long time and impact the quality of through hole slip ring, and this is not allowed in Senring. As to the light source, its not a simple bulb but better to use the environmental LED which has no heating. It has no harm on eyes or makes eyes so easily tired, also avoids repair at the same time. http://www.slipring.com.cn/
slip rings
electrical slip ring

cSlip ring

cSlip ring


Slip ring



A slip ring (in electrical engineering terms) is a method of making an electrical connection through a rotating assembly.



Slip rings, also called rotary electrical interfaces, rotating electrical connectors, collectors, swivels, or electrical rotary joints, are commonly found in slip ring motors, electrical generators for alternating current (AC) systems and alternators and in packaging machinery, cable reels, and wind turbines. They can be used on any rotating object to transfer power, control circuits, or analog or digital signals including data such as those found on aerodrome beacons, rotating tanks, power shovels, radio telescopes or heliostats.



A slip ring is a rotary coupling used to transfer electric current from a stationary unit to a rotating unit. Either the brushes or the rings are stationary and the other component rotates.



This system is similar to the brushes and commutator, found in many types of DC motors. While commutators are segmented, slip rings are continuous, and the terms are not interchangeable. Rotary transformers are often used instead of slip rings in high speed or low friction environments.



Mercury-wetted slip rings, noted for their low resistance and stable connection use a different principle which replaces the sliding brush contact with a pool of liquid metal molecularly bonded to the contacts. During rotation the liquid metal maintains the electrical connection between the stationary and rotating contacts. However, the use of mercury poses safety concerns, as it is a toxic substance. If a slip ring application involves food manufacturing or processing, pharmaceutical equipment, or any other use where contamination could be a serious threat, the choice should be precious metal contacts. Leakage of the mercury and the resultant contamination could be extremely serious. The slip ring device is also limited by temperature, as mercury solidifies at approximately -40 C. http://www.slipring.com.cn/

cButtwelded pipe fitting

cButtwelded pipe fitting


Buttwelded pipe fitting



Model:ANSI B16.5 B234 WPBMaterial:Carbon SteelBrand Name:XFInquiry Supplier DetailsHebei Xinfeng High-Pressure Flange And Pipe Fitting Co., Ltd.


China (Mainland)






View other productsProduct DetailsCompany ProfileBUTTWELDED PIPE FITTING



Proudct: short and long redius ELBOW in 45/90/180 degree, straight and reducing TEE, concentric and eccentric REDUCER, CROSS, CAP






Type: seemless, welded



Size: 1/2" to 48"



Material: carbon steel



Package: seaworthy plywood case, fumigation-free wooden pallet



About the company



Hebei Xinfeng High-Pressure Flange and Pipe Fitting Co., ltd specializes in forged flanges and buttwelded pipe fitting. Our main prouducts are welding neck flang, slip on flange, blind flange, plate flange, socket welding flange, lap joint flange, elbow of short and long redius in 45°/90°/180°, equal and reducing tee, concentric and eccentric reducer and cap. These products are made according to international standards as ANSI(ASME), DIN, JIS, BS, GOST, EN1092, AWWA, SABS. We can also make non-standard, spical-disigned items according to customers requirements. The materials we supply are carbon steel, stainless steel of different grades.



To ensure produt quality, we take rigid quality control measures at every level of our operation. Raw mateial is tested and marked for stock cutting; samples are taken from batch for chemical composition analysis, flaw detection and fouction test; in the last place, every finished product goes through visual and dimensinal inspection before warehousing.



Fine quality, competitive price, timely delivery, good reputation and years of experience in this field have well established us as reliable suppler to customers from countires over the world, including Russia, South Korea, France, Spain, Isreal, Thailand etc. Adhering to the principle of “Reputation first, Customers upermost”, we are willing to join hands with more friends for a brighter future. http://www.kaysuns.com/

Taizhou Jingxiang MOBILE LED Technology Development Co.

Taizhou Jingxiang MOBILE LED Technology Development Co.


Taizhou Jingxiang Technology Development Co., Ltd was established in 2007, with RMB 10 million registered capital and more than 200 employees. Our headquarter is located in Shanghai, China. We have a manufacturing base covered an area of 100 acres in Linhai and some branches in the big cities of Beijing, Chengdu, Shenzhou, Xi an, Wuhan. Our MOBILE LED TRUCK and MOBILE LED TRAILER products are exported to Europe, the United States, Middle East, South Africa, South America, Asia, Australia and other parts of the world.



We have set up a professional team that consists of mechanic-electronic, hydraulic electric, vehicle modification and multimedia developments. We have our own independent R&D group and produce various kinds of MOBILE LED VEHICLE,MOBILE LED DISPLAY and MOBILE LED SCREEN, with more than 20 national technology patents. After several years of development, we have been the No.1 brand of mobile LED vehicle in China, with more than 90% market share.



What’s more, Jingxiang(OMDM) is the first to do the “vehicle commercial” marketing model in China, providing professional marketing solutions and execution services to customers. We are committed to building a “business empire on wheels."http://www.omdmtech.com/products/products-318.html